In Kodaira's famous 1954 paper 《On Kähler Varieties of Restricted Type 》, the author proved that "the projective bundles over a projective manifold is a projective manifold", the full statement is:
Let $B$ be an analytic fibre bundle over a complex analytic variety $V$ whose fibre is a complex projective space and whose structure group is the group of projective transformations. If the base space $V$ is a non-singular algebraic variety imbedded in a projective space, then the bundle $B$ is also a non-singular algebraic variety imbedded in a projective space.
and my question is: what if we remove the condition "whose structure group is the group of projective transformations"? or if we only require the fiber is projective space, is the statement still remained true?
Here, for the fiber space $\pi:B\to V$, if we only require that all the fibers are projective spaces, not requiring anything about the structure group or transition functions, can we say that this fiber space is a projective bundle?
And I think this is a similar question, for complex manifolds $E,X$, and the holomorphic map $\pi:E\to X$, if we only ruquire that all the fibers of $\pi^{-1}(t)$ are $\mathbb C^n$, not requiring there exist local trivalisation $\pi^{-1}(U_i)\cong U_i\times \mathbb C^n$, can we still conclude that $E$ is a vector bundle?