this is a question from the concept of $AM\ge GM\ge HM$ , how do i know which number to select for applying the inequality, please help!
1$\begingroup$ Hint: use $$2^n-1=1+2+2^2+...2^{n-1}\ge ?$$ $\endgroup$– Albus DumbledoreCommented Feb 20, 2021 at 2:56
1$\begingroup$ @Albus Dumbledore Thanks a lot! I got it, i was able to solve it! But isn't a bit hard to find how to start these questions? I mean, how did you figure out how to use this? $\endgroup$– Soumil GuptaCommented Feb 20, 2021 at 3:02
1$\begingroup$ John Wick not really, notice that $$\sqrt{2^{n-1}}=\sqrt[n]{2^{\frac{n(n-1)}{2}}}$$ gave the clue $\endgroup$– Albus DumbledoreCommented Feb 20, 2021 at 3:04
1 Answer
This is the special case of $q=2$ from the following inequality.
$$q^k \ge 1+k(q-1)\sqrt{q^{k-1}}$$
To prove this, first remember that AM>= GM, so we want the 'add' on the left and the 'multiply' on the right.
We have:
and also
$$\prod_\limits{i=0}^{k-1} q^i = q^{\frac{k(k-1)}{2}}$$
AMGM tells us that:
$$\frac{1+q+q^2+\dots+q^{k-1}}{k} \ge \sqrt[k]{q^{\frac{k(k-1)}{2}}}$$
$$\frac{q^k-1}{k(q-1)} \ge \sqrt[k]{q^{\frac{k(k-1)}{2}}}$$
$$\frac{q^k-1}{k(q-1)} \ge \sqrt{q^{k-1}}$$
$$q^k \ge 1+k(q-1)\sqrt{q^{k-1}}$$
Note that if $q<1$, then $(q-1)$ is negative, and this reverses the inequality.