The Wikipedia for group action and several posts here have what seems to me to be two, slightly different definitions for a group action.$\ $ Let G be a group acting on space X.$\ $ These two definitions are:
A group homomorphism $\varphi$ from the group to the automorphism group of the space. $$\varphi : G\ \longrightarrow \text{Aut}(X)$$
A map that takes an element of the group and an element of the space, and returns an element of the space. $$\alpha : G\, \times X\ \longrightarrow X$$
Which of these is the the group action?$\ $ Is it a function of one argument or two?$\ $ What is the return type? Does it return a function (automorphism) or an element of the space?$\ $ The first definition is in line with what I think of as a representation, ex. from a symmetry group C$_\text{2v} \longrightarrow $ GL(V) that returns a matrix, rather than a vector.
I (think) I understand the basic idea of what is going on, but I'd like to know what the actual mathematical definition is.
Thanks in advance.