Let $\beta(s)$ be a smooth regular curve in $\mathbb{R}^3$ parameterized by arclength with nowhere vanishing curvature. Let $\gamma(s) = \beta'(s)$. Find $\kappa_\gamma(s)$ and $\tau_\gamma(s)$ in terms of the curvature and torsion of $\beta(s)$ which we denote by $\kappa(s), \tau(s)$ respectively.
I think I am supposed to use the Frenet Serret equations to simplify the following expressions:
$\Large \kappa = \frac{|\beta' \times \beta''|}{|\beta'|^3}$
$\Large \tau = \frac{det_3(\beta', \beta'', \beta''')}{|\beta' \times \beta''|}$
but I have not worked with determinants or cross products in a while.
I found a similar question here but I do not understand the computation of the cross product. Also, it does not contain anything about the torsion.