Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space, and let $V^{\prime\prime}$ be the double dual space.
From S. Axler's linear algebra text, he defines a function $\Lambda : V \rightarrow V^{\prime\prime}$ by $$(\Lambda v)(\varphi) = \varphi(v).$$
But I cannot make heads nor tails of this definition. I am confused on both sides of the equation.
- For the LHS, $\Lambda v$ makes sense because that is what I would expect to appear when defining a function; for example, let $f(x) = \text{whatever}$. But then we tack on $\varphi$, which I know is in $V^{\prime}$; but if the LHS is supposed to deal with the domain $V$, then I don't understand how it is valid to juxtapose this $\varphi$.
- The RHS is also concerning because $\varphi(v)$ is a scalar. Assuming that $\varphi(v)$ is supposed to be the output of $\Lambda,$ it should follow that $\varphi(v) \in V^{\prime}$.
I appreciate all clarification and insight concerning this notation and, perhaps, an explanation as to why such notation is valid (I think this last bit will follow once clarification is provided).
Thank you =)