Suppose a Lie group acts smoothly (but not necessarily properly or freely) on a smooth manifold $M$. Show that each orbit is an immersed submanifold of $M$; which is embedded if the action is proper.
This is problem 15 of chapter 21 of Lee's smooth manifolds book I was searching to solve the above problem and I'm now a little confused writing an easy argument for this. I found the following argument but this is not easy enough for me to understand:
- For each $p\in M$, the isotropy group $G_p = \{g\in G: g\centerdot p=p\}$ is a closed subgroup of $G$.
- The quotient space $G/G_p$ has a unique smooth manifold structure, and $G$ acts transitively on this smooth manifold by left multiplication.
- The orbit map $\mathscr O_p\colon G\to M$ given by $\mathscr O_p(g) = g\centerdot p$ descends smoothly to the quotient $G/G_p$ to give a smooth map $F_p\colon G/G_p\to M$ that is a bijection from $G/G_p$ onto the orbit $G\centerdot p$.
- The map $F_p$ is equivariant with respect to the left actions of $G$ on $G/G_p$ and $M$, and therefore it has constant rank.
- Because it is a constant-rank injection, $F_p$ is a smooth immersion, and therefore its image $G\centerdot p$ is a smoothly immersed submanifold of $M$.
Could anyone help me prove this?