I wonder if there is any deeper connection between two "tricks" from applied math, the kernel trick and the box-muller algorithm for generating draws from a random normal.
The kernel trick, used in support vector machines, is to project from feature space to some inner product space. Hopefully the (images of the) data are linearly separable within the larger inner product space.
The Box-Muller algorithm takes $I = \int e^{-x^2}$ and instead cleverly considers the problem of finding $I^2$ via $\int e^{-x^2} dx \ \cdot \; \int e^{-y^2} dy$ which can be transformed using the pythagorean identity $\sin^2 \phi + \cos^2 \phi = 1$ into $\int r \cdot e^{-r^2} dr$ which is integrable.
Both "tricks" involve projecting a simple problem into a seemingly more complicated space, wherein the previously hard problem becomes easy. And then the answer is inverse-mapped back to the original domain, $f^{-1} \circ g \circ f$. But is there a connection other than this very broad observation?