Is every argument with false premises and conclusion valid?
can an argument still be valid even if the premises and conclusion are all false?
An argument with a false premise and false conclusion could be valid or invalid.
- Consider the argument
1+1=10; therefore, 1+1=100
. It has a false premise and false conclusion, and it is invalid (in the binary system, this argument has a true premise and false conclusion).
- On the other hand, the second example in Bram's answer is a valid argument whose premises and conclusion are also all false.
can an argument still be valid even if all the premises are false but the conclusion is still true?
An argument with a false premise and true conclusion could be valid or invalid.
- Consider the argument
some squared number is negative; therefore, every squared number is nonnegative
. It has a false premise and true conclusion, and it is invalid (in complex analysis, this argument has a true premise and false conclusion).
- On the other hand, the first example in Bram's answer is a valid argument with false premises and a true conclusion.
is an argument automatically invalid if it lacks any row in which the premises and conclusion are all true?
No; in fact, every argument with inconsistent premises (i.e., one whose premises can be all true in no possible context) is automatically valid.
To be clear: an argument with a false premise needn't be valid (though it is certainly unsound)!
I do understand that an argument is invalid if its truth table contains a row where the premises are all true but the conclusion is false.
Your assertion actually remains correct when strengthened: a propositional-logic argument is invalid if and only if its truth table contains a row with premises all true and conclusion false.
The short of it is that an argument's validity depends on its structure; so, we inspect its entire truth table rather than particular rows (each of which corresponds to a different set of contexts).