Suppose there is a set $S$, equipped with two binary operations, $*$ and $@$, such that S is closed and associative under both the operations. There exist inverses and identity with respect to both the operations. $*$ is distributive under $@$. (Both the operations are not commutative).
Let $a,b,c,d\in S$, and $(a@b)=\alpha$ and $(c@d)=\beta$.
$(a@b)*(c@d)=\alpha *(c@d)=(\alpha *c)@(\alpha *d) = ((a@b)*c)@((a@b)*d)=(a*c)@(b*c)@(a*d)@(b*d)\;\;----(1)$
Also $(a@b)*(c@d)=(a@b)*\beta=(a*\beta)@(b*\beta) = (a*(c@d))@(b*(c@d))=(a*c)@(a*d)@(b*c)@(b*d)\;\;----(2)$
Comparing (1) and (2).
We conclude that $(b*c)@(a*d)=(a*d)@(b*c)$ using identity, inverses and associativity (cancellation property).
This implies that $@$ is commutative operation in S.
This a contradiction. That surprised me.
So the question is if the operations are not commutative then they can't be distributive always because then one of the operation comes out to be commutative? If one of them is commutative then only there is possibility of showing distributive property?
So like distributivity and commutativity are connected?