The question is about classifying groups of order $256$ with at least one element of order $64$, and justify why the elements of the list are non-isomorphic. I'm done except for showing that $$ \mathbb Z_{64}\times \mathbb Z_{2}\times\mathbb Z_{2}\text{ and } \mathbb Z_{64}\times \mathbb Z_{4} $$ are not isomorphic. Of course they are not, that's the content of the classification theorem, but the question begs a direct approach.
All similar questions I found on MSE differentiate groups of this kind from order elements, e.g. $\mathbb Z_2\times \mathbb Z_2$ and $\mathbb Z_4$ are not isomorphic as only the latter contains an element of order 4. We can't apply that here.
My solution: the order of a an element of a product is the minimum common multiple of the non-zero orders. Thus an element of $\mathbb Z_{64}\times \mathbb Z_{2}\times\mathbb Z_2$ has order 2 iff it's nonzero and its $\mathbb Z_{64}$ factor is $0$ or $32$ (the elements of order 2 in $\mathbb Z_{64}$). We get a total of 7 elements of order 2, $$ (32,0,0),(0,1,0) ,(0,0,1) ,(0,1,1) ,(32,1,0),(32,0,1) \text{ and }(32,1,1). $$ On the other hand, the same reasoning shows that there are only 3 elements of order 2 in $\mathbb Z_{64}\times\mathbb Z_{4}$, namely $$(32,0), (0,2) \text{ and }(32,2).$$
Is this correct? I think so, but I spent more time in this question than I'd like to admit, that's why I'm posting it. Any other approaches?