Question (4.8.2 from the Probabilistic Method 4th edition by Alon and Spencer):
Show that there is a positive constant $c$ such that for any $n$ real numbers $a_1,\dots,a_n$ satisfying $\sum\limits_{i=1}^na_i^2=1$, if $(\epsilon_1,\dots,\epsilon_n)$ is a random vector of iid random variables uniformly distributed on $\{\pm1\}$ then $\mathbb P[|\sum \epsilon_i a_i|\le1]\ge c$ .
I let $X=\sum\limits_{i=1}^n \epsilon_ia_i$, and I have computed $\Bbb E[X]=0$ and Var$(X)=1$.
By Chebyshev's inequality we get $\Bbb P[|X|\le 1]=1-\Bbb P[|X|>1]>1-\frac{\text{Var}(X)}{1}=0$ which is useless...
I guess I need a hint.
One other thing that is true from Cauchy Schwarz inequality is $$|X|^2=|\langle \epsilon,a\rangle|^2\le\sum\epsilon_i^2\sum a_i^2=n\cdot1=n\implies |X|\le \sqrt{n}$$
and it is true not matter how $\epsilon $ is chosen. So the density of $|X|$ is supported on $[0,\sqrt{n}]$.