I'm trying to understand if this statement is false or true, I have tried understanding by an example.
For example if $G_1=(\{{\bar0},\bar1\},+_2),G_3=(\{{\bar0},\bar1,\bar2\},+_3)$ then the direct product of these two groups will be
$G_1\times G_2=\{(\bar0,\bar0),(\bar0,\bar1),(\bar0,\bar2),(\bar1,\bar0),(\bar1,\bar1),(\bar1,\bar2)\}$
I see that $o(G_1\times G_2)=o(G_1)\cdot o(G_2)=m\cdot n=6.$ Can I simply say that I take the group $\{{(\bar0,\bar0),(\bar0,\bar1)}\}$ under the addition modulo 2 and 3 respectively and the statement is true for this case ?
Also if this statement is true shouldn't it mean that it will always be true considering that $o(G_1\times G_2)=o(G_1)\cdot o(G_2)$ and there will always be a subgroup of order $m$?