Fourteen years ago, in 1999 (has it been that long?) Merignac started a search for,
$$x_1^6+x_2^6+x_3^6+\dots+x_7^6 = \color{red}z^6$$
with the hope that one $x_i =0 $ using the five congruence classes,
$$\begin{aligned} &42^6(x_1^6+x_2^6+\dots+x_5^6)+(42x_6)^6+(1x_7)^6 = z^6\\ &42^6(x_1^6+x_2^6+\dots+x_5^6)+(21x_6)^6+(2x_7)^6 = z^6\\ &42^6(x_1^6+x_2^6+\dots+x_5^6)+(14x_6)^6+(3x_7)^6 = z^6\\ &42^6(x_1^6+x_2^6+\dots+x_5^6)+\,(7x_6)^6\,+\,(6x_7)^6 = z^6\\ &42^6(x_1^6+x_2^6+\dots+x_4^6)+(21x_5)^6+(14x_6)^6+(6x_7)^6 = z^6 \end{aligned}$$
So the first six $x_i$ are multiples of $7$, and primitive integer solutions are known for all five classes. The smallest known (found around 2000) by Meyrignac and Wannes de Smedt belongs to the 4th class,
$$42^6(195^6 + 260^6 + 440^6 + 506^6 + 580^6) + (7\times2747)^6 + (6\times5559)^6 = 34781^6$$
But it seems none has one $x_i = 0$ for $\color{red}z<730000$. (See Further work section of 2002 paper The Smallest Solutions to the Diophantine Equation $a^6+b^6+c^6+d^6+e^6=x^6+y^6$.)
To compare to 4th powers, one can primitively solve,
$$a^4(x_1^4+x_2^4+x_3^4)+x_4^4 = z^4$$
for $a=10$ or $a=20$ with the smallest being,
$$10^4(24^4+34^4+43^4)+599^4 = 651^4$$ $$20^4(19^4+83^4+94^4)+4907^4 = 4949^4$$
Question: Is $b=42$ overly restrictive? Can it be reduced to just $b = 21$? (As the fourth power example shows, $a = 10$ has a smaller solution. If so, maybe they overshot a solution in the $z<730000$ range?)