I'm trying to solve the following exercise from my lecture notes:
- For $n ≥ 1$, let $L_n$ be the language with $n$ unary predicate symbols $P_1, . . . , P_n$. Show there exists a theory $T_n$ asserting that each $P_i$ is infinite, the $P_i$ are disjoint ($¬(∃x)(P_1(x)\wedge P_2(x))$, etc.) and there are infinitely many elements not in any $P_i$, $i ≤ n$.
- Show $T_n$ is $ℵ_0$-categorical. Conclude that $T_n$ is complete.
- How many models of cardinality $ℵ_1$ (up to isomorphism) does $T_2$ have?
- Let $T = \bigcup_n T_n$. Show that $T$ is a complete theory.
- Is $T$ $\aleph_0$-categorical? If not how many countable models does $T$ have?
I've done everything apart from number 5.
It's easy to show that each $T_n$ is $ℵ_0$-categorical as in part 2, because if you have a countably infinite model, and each of the $P_i$ are infinite then they must also be countably infinite and you can take bijections between them. Moreover, if we take any countably infinite model to have domain $A$, then since $A\backslash(P_1\cup ...\cup P_n)$ is infinite this will also be countably infinite, and so you can take a bijection between these parts of any two countably infinite model. It's easy to check that the function defined on the domain of a whole model as the union of these bijections (which is well defined since the $P_i$ are disjoint) will be an isomorphism between any two countably infinite models, hence $T_n$ is $ℵ_0$-categorical.
I'm not sure if I can do the same in part 5 - each of the $P_i$ will still be countably infinite and so I could do the same thing for them, taking bijections between their interpretations under any two models. But I'm not sure if in this case the subset of the domain of a model not in any $P_i$ will still have to be infinite - there are infinitely many not in any finite selection of the $P_i$ because $T$ contains all the $T_n$, but I'm not convinced that means there will be infinitely many not in any of the $P_i$.
I'd really appreciate any advice you could offer - if the the subset of the domain of a model not in any $P_i$ will still have to be infinite, an explanation of why would be really helpful. If this might not be infinite, then I can see that presumably in this case there would be $\aleph_0$ countable models (up to isomorphism) as you could take a bijection between this subset of any possible size and use it to get an isomorphism as above, but I'm not sure how to show it might not be infinite - I can't think of an obvious counterexample.