Let $X$ be a normed space over $\mathbb K=\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb C$ and $U\subsetneq X$ be a proper subspace. Suppose further that $X\ni x \notin U$.
- Must we have $d(x,U)>0$ in general?
- Must we have $d(x,U)>0$ if $\dim U<\infty$?
Note that $d(x,U):=\inf_{u\in U} \| x-u \|$.
I'm pretty sure the answer to (2) is "yes," since in this case $X\simeq\mathbb K^{\dim U}$, and then we can use topological theorems about $\mathbb K^n$ (as in this related question). Even so, I'd like to see a simpler proof that doesn't rely on the isomorphism with $\mathbb K^n$, since this seems like unnecessary baggage.