Here is another (slightly) different way to use the fact that the adjugate is a rank $1$ symmetric matrix. If it has rank one and furthermore there does not exist some $k$ such that the determinant of the $(k, k)$th minor is nonzero, then the diagonal of the adjugate matrix (call it $A$) is all zeroes.
We know a rank one matrix is simply a matrix whose rows are all multiples of the same non-trivial vector (with at least one row being a nonzero multiple). Suppose the $i$th row of $A$ were nonzero. Then there exists some $j \neq i$ such that $A_{ij}$ (recall our assumption is that the diagonal elements are all zero). As the adjoint is symmetric, $A_{ji} \neq 0$. However, the $j$th row cannot be a multiple of the $i$th row (why?), a contradiction. So there cannot be a symmetric matrix of rank $1$ whose diagonal elements are all zero, and hence we conclude that at least one element of $A$'s diagonal (say the $k$th element) must be nonzero. Removing the $k$th row and column, of course, will yield an invertible $(n - 1) \times (n - 1)$ matrix.