I'm looking for a way to make sense of this. A cube, perfectly insulated on four sides is heated to an initial temperature of 100C. The two non-insulated sides will be the top and the bottom of the cube. We place the cube on a plate which maintains a temperature of 0C. The loss of heat through the top is given, and we are left to solve a pretty standard PDE.
Here's the issue. I'm saying the insulated sides correspond to the BCs of the $X(x)$ and $Y(y)$ functions after separation. When I go to compute the Fourier coefficients I end up with 0! The entire problem collapses. I've never encountered a problem where this happens... Am I just supposed to say the eigenvalues must be 0? I'm not sure if this physically makes sense, but would this just be equivalent to an infinite number of thin rods, implying that solution is independent of $x$ and $y$ values?