I was given the following puzzle:
You manage a bank and you have 5 employees. With an infinite number of locks (and keys), you need to create a system that enables each triplet of workers open the vault of the bank, but a pair of employees should never be able to open together the vault.
Intuitively I immediately asked myself how many possible triplets of employees are there, and I know the answer from the combinations formula ($n!/r!(n-r)!$), which I also understand intuitively.
So we can represent all of our cases with this table:
We can say each case (or triplet) is represented by a row, and each worker is represented by a column. Obviously, when I see the table I immediately understand that the rows can also represent keys, but I can’t explain to myself in my head, logically, why this isomorphism (if I use the term correctly) is possible here. Perhaps I would have been able to get to this table myself, but it is not clear to me how (or why) the transformation from a table of triplets or cases, to a table of keys, occur. I try to imagine it somehow in my head but can’t. We can create 10 (unique) triplets (without repetition) from a set of 5, but why this necessarily implies that in order for each set of (only) three employees to be able to open a vault, we need 10 locks, and to give each employees 6 keys? Can you explain the isomorphism between the possible triplets and the number of locks, and the number of keys per employee?
I hope my question is making sense.