So I have been reading a little about group theory and wanted to understand visually. I saw two different ways to visualize groups on many books and lectures.
$1$.Cayley graph:This is one way I found for visualizing groups . now , in a Cayley graph , there are some generators and relations .And by using that , I can make different kinds of groups.Here, they call each of the paths actions .This method is specially useful for visualizing things like Dihedral groups , orbits of a group (maybe homomorphism?) etc.
$2$.Group multiplication table : This one is another way to visualize the same group.It has a bunch of elements which combine with each other in the same manner as a multiplication table.This method is useful (for me at-least) to visualize things like cosets , lagranges theorem , normal subgroup , quotient group etc.
Now , one of the problems is that many books don't use both of the methods to describe the same group.So i get more biased for one method and can't understand anymore the concepts that were meant to be understood with the other method (or I am wrong again?)
In a abstract algebra textbook , I see two concepts :
$2$.Group Action
I saw the abstract definitions of groups and group actions (I will not state it here).Because Cayley diagram talk about actions ,I thought It could be related to group action somehow.And I already know that groups and group multiplication table fall hand in hand.
The problem is ,I know from the abstract definition that how is group actions came from groups from defintions .But I can't really see how cayley diagram(with generators and relations) and the abstract group action is related to each other. And if they are related which one I should use for intuitive studying? Also books juggle around with the definitions of group and group action , so I want to show the intuitive way to relate them with each other?(I mean mathematicians didn't come up with these definition out of thin air , right?)