I want to show that the matrix $$M=\begin{pmatrix} z_1^{y_1} & z_1^{y_2} & \cdots & z_1^{y_n} \\ z_2^{y_1} & z_2^{y_2} & \cdots & z_2^{y_n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ z_n^{y_1} & z_n^{y_2} & \cdots & z_n^{y_n} \end{pmatrix},$$ where $0<z_1<\cdots <z_n$ and $0 < y_1 < \cdots < y_n$ has nonzero determinant.
This is the last 'step' of a longer combinatorics problem from class asking to prove total positivity of this type of matrix. I can argue that, for rational exponents $y_j$, the matrix is totally positive, so extending via continuity tells me that in the general case the determinant is at least nonnegative.
The 'nice' proofs of nonsingularity of Vandermonde matrices that I am familiar with use properties of polynomials, which don't seem to be available in this case. I suspect that an approach could be using something about growth of exponentials to show that there cannot be a nontrivial linear dependency amongst the rows (or columns), but analysis is one of my weaker spots.
Edit: This question follows from a similar one that is answered on mo: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/118225/how-to-show-a-certain-determinant-is-non-zero