Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Set $R=k[x_1,...,x_n]/I$ and $S=k[y_1,...,y_m]/J$ finite generated $k$-algebras.
By Hilbert Nullstellensatz, the maximal ideals of $R\otimes_k S$ are of the form $m\otimes_k S+R\otimes_k n$ with $I\subseteq m=(x_1-a_1,...,x_n-a_n)$ and $J\subseteq n=(y_1-b_1,...,y_m-b_m)$, where $a_i,b_i\in k$.
Is the natural map $R_m\otimes_k S_n\rightarrow (R\otimes_kS)_{m\otimes_k S+R\otimes_k n}$ an isomorphism?
Also, is $R_m\otimes_k S_n$ local ring?
Similarly, we can consider prime ideals $I\subseteq p$ and $J\subseteq q$. Then $p\otimes_k S+R\otimes_k q$ is prime ideal of $R\otimes_k S$ since $k$ is algebraically closed, see Tensor product of domains is a domain. What is the localization of $R\otimes_k S$ at this prime ideal?
Thank you in advance.