I was confused by Boothby's proof that a Manifold had a countable cover of compact sets. In his proof he says that as $M$ has a countable basis of open sets, we may assume that $M$ has a countable basis of relatively compact open sets $\{V_i\}$. I don't see why this is true. I don't know how to go about proving it. I've tried to come up with counter examples, but obviously I've failed (as the claim is true). I know I could prove it, if I could show that for each $(U,\phi)$ a coordinate chart there existed a basis element $B\subseteq U$, but can we show that? Any hints or help proving this?
I did look at some of the similar questions to my title, but I didn't understand them. For example, here
Does every manifold can be "covered" by compact sets?
The answer says we can cover the manifold by a countable collection of subseteq homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^n$. I know we can cover it by such sets, as we can take a coordinate chart and shrink so that it is homeomorphic to an open ball, which is in turn homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^n$, but I don't know why countable.
I would be able to prove the claim if I could verify the statement given here
"A topological basis is a subset B of a set T in which all other open sets can be written as unions or finite intersections of B. For the real numbers, the set of all open intervals is a basis."
But I don't see why that follows from the axioms they listen.
If anyone could provide any help it would be much appreciate, thank you.