In general, we can certainly have such a set in $M$, since if $j:V\to M$ is a $\lambda$-supercompactness embedding then in fact $M^\lambda\subseteq M$, so if $\kappa$ is supercompact then we can get such embeddings and sets $X$ with $X$ as large as desired.
You said "We know $X\in M$ when $|X|\leq\kappa$". But this isn't true in general. Maybe you are assuming that $M=\mathrm{Ult}(V,U)$ for some nonprincipal $\kappa$-complete ultrafilter $U$ over $\kappa$? Under this assumption, there can be no such $X\in M$ of cardinality $>\kappa$:
Theorem. Let $M=\mathrm{Ult}(V,U)$ where $U$ is a nonprincipal $\kappa$-complete ultrafilter over $\kappa$. Let $j:V\to M$ be the ultrapower embedding. Let $X\in M$ be a set such that $j(x)=x$ for all $x\in X$. Then $V\models$"$|X|\leq\kappa$"
and hence $M\models$"$|X|\leq\kappa$" (since $M^\kappa\subseteq M$).
(The proof below uses an idea from the proof of Lemma 2.2/Theorem 2.3 of Reinhardt cardinals and iterates of V.)
Proof. Suppose otherwise. Then by considering a wellorder of $X$ in $M$ and cutting $X$ down to an initial segment of $X$ under this wellorder, we can assume $V\models$"$|X|=\kappa^+$". Now fix a bijection $\pi:\kappa^+\to X$ in $V$.
Then $M\models$"$j(\pi):j(\kappa^+)\to j(X)$ is a bijection".
Claim: $j(\pi)^{-1}``X=j``\kappa^+$.
Proof of Claim: Equivalently, since $j(\pi)$ is a bijection,
we must show $j(\pi)\circ j``\kappa^+=X$.
For this, first observe that by the elementarity of $j$, we have
for all $\alpha<\kappa^+$, and therefore
$$j\circ\pi=j(\pi)\circ j\upharpoonright\kappa^+.$$
But $j\circ\pi=\pi$, since $j\upharpoonright X=\mathrm{id}$, so
$$\pi=j(\pi)\circ j\upharpoonright\kappa^+,$$
$$X=\pi``\kappa^+=j(\pi)\circ j``\kappa^+,$$
as desired.
Now by the claim, and since $j(\pi),X\in M$, we get $j``\kappa^+\in M$,
but this is false, because $j``\kappa^+$ is cofinal in $j(\kappa^+)$,
which is a regular cardinal in $M$,
and $j``\kappa^+$ has ordertype $\kappa^+$, and $\kappa^+<j(\kappa^+)$, so
$j``\kappa^+$ singularizes $j(\kappa^+)$ in $M$, a contradiction.
(Remark: Actually if $M$ contains the element $j``X$ where $X$ has cardinality $\lambda$ in $V$, then $j``\lambda\in M$, and so $j\upharpoonright\lambda\in M$; this is by a slight variant of the argument above; note we don't need that $X$ is fixed pointwise for this.)