I am just a beginner to the field, but here is how I understand it.
There is one Nash equilibrium (NE) in pure strategies, which is easy to see. As you say, the strategy $B$ for player two dominates $A$, and so we know that a rational player $B$ will never play $A$. Similarly, $B'$ for player one dominates $A'$. Thus, in pure strategies the only solution is $(B',B)$, as you probably have figured out on your own.
Is there a NE in mixed strategies? I do not think so, and here is how I reason. I give an extensive answer in the hope that it might clarify any confusions, and also to make the answer more transparent in case I make a mistake.
Let the mixed strategy for player one, $\sigma_1$ be "play $A'$ with probability $p$, and $B'$ with probability $1-p$ (the complement of $\text{Pr}(A'))$. Let also $\sigma_2$ be the mixed strategy for player two, with $\text{Pr}(A) = q, \text{Pr}(B) = 1-q$.
First ask what is the expected utility of player one from playing $A'$ and $B'$. This will depend on what player two does:
v_1(A',\sigma_2) = 1q + 3(1-q) = 3-2q,\\
v_1(B',\sigma_2) = 1q + 4(1-q) = 4-3q.
For player one to be mixing between his strategies, he must be indifferent to these outcomes, i.e., $v_1(A',\sigma_2) = v_1(B',\sigma_2)$. Using the above expressions for the respective utilities we get
$$ q=1 $$
I think this is what you calculated above! What does this mean? It means that player one will be willing to mix between his two pure strategies $A'$ and $B'$ iff player two plays $A$ with a probability of 1. If you think about what we said at the top of this post it kinda makes sense -- if player two plays $A$ then it doesn't matter what player one does.
We can make the same calculation for player two. Under what conditions will player two mix between his strategies? We have:
v_2(A,\sigma_1) = 2 p + 2 (1-p) = 2,\\
v_2(B,\sigma_2) = 100 p + 100 (1-p) = 100.\\
Player two mixes when $v_2(A,\sigma_1) = v_2(B,\sigma_1)$, i.e., when $2=100$. This is, of course, impossible. Player two will never be indifferent between his two strategies in this game, which makes sense which you also write in your post!
Is it a special case of mixed nash equilibrium?
Mixed equilibrium and mixed NE are the same thing as far as I know!
which suggests that they should always play A and never play B. This seems to contradict the logical best move strategy (highlighted in bold)
You need to be careful in distinguishing the strategies of both players. I think this confusion is what made it difficult. In NE, player one plays $B'$ and player two plays $B$. Unfortunately, it does not quite make sense to talk about both player playing $A$ or $B$.
Sorry for the elaborate answer, but hope that makes sense :)