I have to show that set of all $x$ such that $x \in P$ and $x \notin Q$ exists. So, I think I have to assume that sets $P$ and $Q$ already exist. So, with that, I can use axiom schema of specification . This axiom is
$$ \forall w_1,\cdots, w_n \, \forall A \,\exists B \,\forall x \left( x \in B \Longleftrightarrow [ x \in A \wedge \varphi(x,w_1, \cdots , w_n, A)] \right) $$
So, I will let $\varphi(x, Q, P) = x \in P \text{ and } x \notin Q $. Also, I will let $A = P$ and $w_1 = Q $. So using universal instantiation, I get the following
$$ \exists B \,\forall x \left( x \in B \Longleftrightarrow [ x \in P \wedge \varphi(x, Q, P)] \right) $$
And using, existential instantiation, there exists a set $B$ such that
$$ \forall x \left( x \in B \Longleftrightarrow [ x \in P \wedge \varphi(x, Q, P)] \right) $$
Using the definition of $\varphi(x, Q, P)$, this can be simplified as following
$$ \forall x \left( x \in B \Longleftrightarrow [ x \in P \wedge x \in P \wedge x \notin Q] \right) $$
$$ \forall x \left( x \in B \Longleftrightarrow [ x \in P \wedge x \notin Q] \right)$$
$$ \forall x \left( x \in B \Longleftrightarrow x \in \{ x \,| x \in P \text{ and } x \notin Q \} \right)$$
Now, using axiom of extensionality, it will follow that
$$ B = \{ x \,| x \in P \text{ and } x \notin Q \} $$
And, since $B$ exists, this means that $\{ x \,| x \in P \text{ and } x \notin Q \} $ also exists. Is the proof good ?