I have been self teaching myself math beginning with a grade 10 level for a while now and need learn trigonometry from near scratch.
I am seeking both books and perhaps lectures on trigonometry and possibly geometry as some overlap does exist. I am not looking for algebra/precalc textbooks as my algebra knowledge is quite good. The primary goal is to be prepared for both calculus and linear algebra in the future.
I have done some research, but haven't really found much that starts trigonometry from the beginning.
Though I am aware and have used Khan Academy, this is not what I seek. I find things missing from Khan Academy and things are usually taught to generally. I prefer more traditional methods to learning, more doing less watching. However, I am not opposed to other suggestions.
$edit:$ Though I love Pauls online notes, it's unfortunate he doesn't have much in the way of trig notes. :(