I want to prove the statement in the title. To be more precise and fix the notation, let $F: X \to Y$ be a differentiable map between smooth manifolds and $A$ a $k$-covariant tensor field over $Y$. The pullback $F^\ast A$ is a $k$-covariant tensor field over $X$ defined by $$(F^\ast A)_{p}(S_1, \ldots, S_k)=A_{F(p)}(T_p S_1, \ldots , T_pS_k)$$ for every $S_1, \ldots, S_k$ in $T_pX$.
My idea was to work in local coordinates, but I'm doing something wrong. Suppose we can write $A$ locally as $$A=A_{j_1, \ldots, j_k} \,dy^{j_1} \otimes \ldots \otimes dy^{j_k}$$ in a coordinate chart $(V, \psi=(y^j)_{j=1}^n)$ with smooth coefficients $A_{j_1, \ldots, j_k}$, then I would like to prove that the coefficients of $F^\ast A$ are also smooth. But how to identify them (which is a problem of its own interest to me)? And also, is this general local expression for $A$ on $Y$ correct?