I am having trouble understanding the statement and the proof of Bertini's theorem in Griffiths & Harris book (p.$137$). Frankly, I do not understand a word even after I read several answers on stack. The theorem is
The generic element of a linear system is smooth away from the base locus of the system.
First question. Does the statement above refer to linear of general line bundles rather than just line bundles associated to divisors?
As far as I can say, it refers to a linear system of a line bundle associated to a divisor. Tell me if I am wrong.
Second question. What is the generic element? Or what is the generic pencil?
In the proof, the authors start with "If the generic element of a linear system is singular away from the base locus of the system, then the same will be true for a generic pencil contained in the system; thus it suffices to prove Bertini for a pencil."
Third question. What does the above sentence mean exactly?
Now suppose $\left \{D_{\lambda} \right \}_{\lambda \in \mathbb{P}^1}$ is a pencil
Fourth question. Why do the authors write $D_{\lambda} = (f+\lambda g = 0)$? What do $f,g$ mean here?
The last question relates to the degree of a variety (p.$171$).
Bertini applied to the smooth locus of $V$ the generic $(n-k)$-plane $\mathbb{P}^{n-k} \subset \mathbb{P}^n$ will intersect $V$ transversely and so will meet $V$ in exactly $\mathrm{deg}(V) = ^{\#}(\mathbb{P}^{n-k}.V)$ points.
Last question. What is generic $(n-k)$-plane? In this case, why does it intersect $V$ transversely?