I am currently studying this answer on the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse and the Euclidean norm by the user "Etienne dM". The first point of their answer proceeds as follows:
Let $x$ be $A^+y$.
- Let me begin by the second point. For all $z$, we have: \begin{align} \lVert Az-b \rVert_2^2 &= \lVert Ax-b \rVert_2^2 + \lVert A(z-x) \rVert_2^2 + 2 (z-x)^TA^T(Ax-b)\\ & \geq \lVert Ax-b \rVert_2^2 + 2 (z-x)^TA^T(Ax-b) \end{align} Moreover, because $(AA^+)^T = AA^+$, $$ A^T(Ax-b) = ((AA^+)A)^Tb - A^Tb = 0$$ Thus, we prove that for all $z$, $\rVert Az-b \lVert_2^2 \geq\rVert Ax-b \lVert_2^2$, that is to say $A^+b$ is as close as possible to $y$ in term of the Euclidian norm $\lVert Ax-b\rVert_2$.
I realise that $x = A^+ y$, but I don't understand how any of this implies that "$A^+ b$ is as close as possible to $y$ in terms of the Euclidean norm $\lVert Ax-b\rVert_2$". I would greatly appreciate it if people would please take the time to explain this to me.