1. Context: The notion of an integral
Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra over a field $\mathbb k$. We call its $\mathbb k$-linear subspace
I_l(H)= \{x \in H; h \cdot x=\epsilon(h)x \quad for \>all\>h\in H\}
$$ the space of left integrals. In other words, $I_l(H)$ is the space of left invariants for $H$ acting on itself by multiplication. In a similar manner one can define (the space of) right (co)integrals.
Integrals seem to have a wide range of applications. For instance, they appear in a strong "(Hopf algebra) version" of Maschke's theorem, i.e. they are related to the semisimplicity of a Hopf algebra.
2. Question
- Why are integrals called integrals?
- Specifically, I think I overheard someone saying that they can be related to the notion of an integral in calculus. How so?