I have this ODE: $$x^2y'' -xy' +y = 6x\ln(x)$$
Once I solve the homogenous part I get that $$y_h = xC_1 + x\ln(x)C_2$$
But I am having problems with the particular solution. When I try to find it using variation of constants:
$$C_1'x + C_2'x\ln(x)=0$$ $$C_1' + C_2'(1+\ln(x))=6x\ln(x)$$
The Wronskian is $x$ and if I solve the system of equations I get that $C_1'=-6x\ln^2(x)$ and $C_2' = 6x\ln(x)$
If I integrate both and plug them in the upper solution and add them, I get $$\frac{3x^3(\ln(x)+1)}{2} + C_1x + C_2x\ln(x)$$
The solution provided by Wolfram Alpha is $$C_1x + C_2x\ln(x)+x\ln^3(x)$$
Where did I go wrong? I solved the system of equations and I checked it on symbolab, I got $C_1$ and $C_2$ correctly. What did I do wrong? Thanks!