This is Chapter IV of Neukirch, where he works with abstract Galois theory. Here is an argument that any $\sigma \in G(L|K)$ is a power of the Frobenius in that setting, rather than the special case where $G$ is the Galois group of local fields.
In abstract Galois theory $G_K$, $G_L$ are closed subgroups of a profinite group $G$, and $G(L|K) = G_K/G_L$. Also there is a surjective map $d: G \rightarrow \widehat{\mathbb{Z}}$, $f_K = (\widehat{\mathbb{Z}} : d(G_K))$, $d_K = (1/f_K)d$, the Frobenius $\varphi_K$ is defined via $d_K(\varphi_K) = 1$,
and he writes $\varphi_{L|K}$ for $\varphi_K \bmod G_L$. Unramified means $(d(G_K):d(G_L)) = (G_K : G_L)$.
It is enough to show that if $L$ is unramified over $K$ then $G(L|K) = ( \varphi_{L|K} )$, that is, $G(L|K)$ is the cyclic group generated by $\varphi_{L|K}$. For this, suppose $|G_K/G_L| = n$, then
\begin{equation}n = (G_K : G_L) = (d(G_K) : d(G_L)) = (d_K(G_K) : d_K(G_L))\end{equation}
Since $d_K(G_K) = \widehat{\mathbb{Z}}$, $d_K(G_L) = n\widehat{\mathbb{Z}}$ (using facts about $\widehat{\mathbb{Z}}$ presented in Example 4 on page 272). The
$\{\varphi_{L|K}^j \}_{j=0}^{n-1}$
are distinct mod $G_L$, because $d_K(\varphi_{L|K}^j) = j$ and so $\varphi_{L|K}^j$ cannot be in $G_L$ since $j = d_K(\varphi_{L|K}^j) \notin d_K(G_L) = n\widehat{\mathbb{Z}}$ for $j < n$. So the $n$ powers $\{\varphi_{L|K}^j\}_{j=0}^{n-1}$ account for all of $G_K/G_L$.