Here is a theorem about Stiefel-Whitney class in my teacher's notes:
For a dim-$k$ real vector bundles $E$ over $B, k \geq 0,$ there are characteristic classes $w_{i}(E) \in H^{i}(B, \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}),$ called the Stiefel-Whitney classes. They satisfy and are uniquely determined by the following axioms:
- $w_{0}(E)=1, w_{i}(E)=0$ for $i>k$.
- $w_{1}(L)$ is the mod $2$ Euler class $e_{2}(L)$ for any real line bundle.
- $f^{*} w_{i}(E)=w_{i}\left(f^{*} E\right)$.
- $w\left(E_{1} \oplus E_{2}\right)=w\left(E_{1}\right) \cup w\left(E_{2}\right)$ or equivalently $w_{i}\left(E_{1} \oplus E_{2}\right)=\sum_{j=0}^{j=i} w_{i-j}\left(E_{1}\right) \cup w_{j}\left(E_{2}\right)$.
However, in many other references, like wikipedia, the second axiom is replaced by
Normalization: The Whitney class of the tautological line bundle over the real projective space $\mathbf {P}^1(\mathbf{R})$ is nontrivial, i.e. ${w(\gamma _{1}^{1})=1+a\in H^{*}(\mathbf {P} ^{1}(\mathbf{R});\mathbf {Z} /2\mathbf{Z} )=(\mathbf {Z} /2\mathbf {Z} )[a]/(a^{2})}$.
Could you please tell me how to show that these two axioms are equivalent? Thank you for your help!