I'm trying to prove that there are only finitely many ideals of any given norm in the ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_k$ over a numberfield $K$.
I know there are "standard proofs" (e.g. How many elements in a number field of a given norm?), but I'm just wondering would a induction proof on the norm be valid:
(i) True for $n=1$.
(ii) For $n=k+1$, if $n$ is prime then it's either rammified, inert or split in $K$ which would mean there are 1, 0 or 2 ideals of norm $n$ respectively. If $n$ is composite then it can be factored into prime ideals of smaller norms (since $\mathcal{O}_k$ is a Dedekind domain), where there are only finite ideals of smaller norm, hence it follows by induction.