I have 2 high schools, School A and School B. For the first school, I have 5 classes of students; for the second, I have 3 classes (so 8 classes in total). Within each class, I have different categorical information about each student, for example whether they're male, whether they study French, etc.
The number of students in each class is different.
So the data might look like this (for example):
- Class 1: 50 students, 20 males, and 5 students who study French
- Class 2: 300 students, 50 males, and 8 students who study French
- ...
- Class 5: 25 students, 17 males, and 3 students who study French
- Class 1: 140 students, 80 males, 10 students who study French
- Class 2: 2500 students, 600 males, 110 students who study French
- Class 3: 200 students, 110 males, 9 students who study French
What test to I do to assess whether there is a significant difference in the number of males or students who study French between School A and School B?
I'm confused because the different sample sizes presumably mean we should be looking at proportions, but if I look ONLY at proportions, am I still factoring in the magnitudes of the original values? (e.g. far more students are males than study French, so 6/100 students studying French v.s. 3/100 will look small in terms of proportion changes) Would it be a t-test on the proportions?