I am trying to find generating function for the recurrence:
- $a_0 = 1$,
- $a_n = {n \choose 2} + 3a_{n - 1}$ for every $n \ge 1$.
It looks like this:
- $a_0 = 1$
- $a_1 = {1 \choose 2} + 3$
- $a_2 = {2 \choose 2} + 3{1 \choose 2} + 9$
- $a_3 = {3 \choose 2} + 3{2 \choose 2} + 9{1 \choose 2} + 27$
- $a_4 = {4 \choose 2} + 3{3 \choose 2} + 9{2 \choose 2} + 27 {1 \choose 2} + 81$
I know what the generating function of the sequence $3 ^n = (1, 3, 9, 27, 81, \dots)$ is, as well as what the generating functions for some sequences of combinatorial numbers are, but how do I split the sequence up into these pieces I know?
(The problem is those combinatorial numbers "move right" every time. If they were growing left-to-right along with their coefficients, it would be much easier. And there is no constant difference between $a_i$ and $a_{i + 1}$.)