In the case of Symmetrical objects like spheres, cylinders and cuboids, several poses can produce the same shape of the object (when looking from a certain frame of reference, like from a camera frame as shown in figure). For example: a lying cylinder rotated 90deg around the world's x-axis, then 10deg around the world's z-axis has the same shape when rotated 190deg around the world's z-axis (as shown in the figure).
When adding some constraints on the pose representation this issue can somehow be resolved. for example, for spheres, the whole orientation part of the pose can be fixed to a Quaternion of (1,0,0,0), for lying cylinders the orientation can be fixed to 90 deg roll angle, 0 deg pitch angle and a random angle between [0-180]deg yaw. However for other cases of completely random poses for all three Euler angles I am a bit confused.
So the question is whether constraining the range of Euler angles between [0-180]deg will produce unique poses for symmetrical objects (cylinders, cuboids) that can be later used for pose estimation applications like pose regression? or is there a better way to do that?
Any pointers are appreciated. Thanks