2 Theorem
The set $\Bbb R$, constructed by means of Dedekind cuts, is complete in the sense that it satisfies the
Least Upper Bound Property:If $S$ is a nonempty subset of $\Bbb R$ and is bounded above then in $\Bbb R$ there exists a least upper bound for $S$.
Proof: Easy! Let $\mathcal C\subset\Bbb R$ be any nonempty collection of cuts which is bounded above, say by the cut $X | Y$. Define $C:=\{a\in\Bbb Q:\text{ for some cut } A | B\in\mathcal C\text{ we have } a\in A\}$ and $D=$ the rest of $\Bbb Q$. source: Real Mathematical Analysis by Pugh.
I'm trying to make sense of the significance of the sentence beginning with "By the assumption that ...". How does Pugh go from that sentence to making the conclusion that $C$ is a subset of $C'$? How does this show that $C$ is a subset of $C'$? Doesn't the sentence still hold if we replaced every instance of $C'$ with $C$? That is, "By the assumption that $A|B\leq C|D$ for all $A|B\in ℭ$, we see that the $A$ for every member of $ℭ$ is contained in $C$? Maybe im misunderstanding the sentence's purpose but I'm not seeing its significance nor how it ties into the his conclusion that $C$ is a subset of $C'$.