I figure that this is surely either a solved problem or it is provably impossible. But I'm not able to track down an answer.
There are ${52 \choose 5}$ = 2,598,960 distinct ways to deal five cards from a standard 52 card deck. In poker one would often collapse many of these, since hands different only by suit are equivalent. But I'm considering all distinct hands.
Are there standard ways to number these hands?
We could think of this as a bijective function between the first 2,598,960 positive integers and all possible 5 card hands.
It would allow me to say, "Player 1 has hand #357." And then I could apply $f(357)$ to get the 5 cards.
Clearly I could define an ordering for all 2,598,960 hands. And then I could iterate through them all until I find the 357th entry. But it seems to me that there must be a far more elegant number system that would avoid the need to iterate through? Is there?