I passed by this question today, in which I'd like to have some help or hints regarding part b)
So the story is as follows:
The residents of a certain country value boys over girls, and every couple makes sure a boy is born in the family. So, if the first child is a boy, they stop there. If the first child is a girl, they have another child, and keep on having children until the first boy. So, the progression of children for each family ends with a boy. Some examples would be B, GB, GGB, GGGGB. At birth, the probability of a child being a girl or a boy is equal (½). (a) What is the expected number of children of a family? (b) What is the expected value of the proportion of males to the total population in this country?
Part a) is solved easily, as it's equal to the $\sum_{i\ge1}{ip^i}$ which leads to $2.$
In part b) I solved according to the ratio between the average of boys and the average number of family children. I'm not sure if it shall be solved as follows : $$\frac{E(\#\text{boys} )}{E(\#\text{boys})+E(\#\text{girls})}$$
I'm not sure if the parents shall be ignored in part b) as well
Can someone guide me if that's true ?