I want to prove that $\dim_{\mathbb{Z}_2}(H_k(M;\mathbb{Z}_2))=\dim_{\mathbb{Z}_2}(H_{n-k}(M,\partial M;\mathbb{Z}_2))$.
This seems like a trivial result from Poincaré-Duality, so I tried \begin{align} H_{n-k}(M,\partial M;\mathbb{Z}_2)=&H^k(M;\mathbb{Z}_2)\\ =&Hom(H_k(M;\mathbb{Z}_2))+Ext(H_{k-1}(M;\mathbb{Z}_2);\mathbb{Z}_2) \end{align} by using PD and universal coefficient theorem. Now I am unsure of how to get rid of the $Ext$-functor. I know the result would fit if $H_{k-1}$ would be free, but since that is not given I am clueless and I am generally unsure how to approach the $\mathbb{Z}_2$-coefficients.