Note that the ratio of the two eigenvalues is invariant by scaling $M$ by a positive factor. Therefore we may modify the definition of $M_n(p)$ to assume that the largest element of every $A\in M_n(p)$ is $1$ and the smallest element is some $p\in(0,1]$. Let $B$ be the leading principal $(n-1)\times(n-1)$ submatrix of $A$. By Cauchy's interlacing inequality, the maximum possible value of $\frac{\rho(B)}{\rho(A)}$ serves as an upper bound of $\frac{|\lambda|_2(A)}{|\lambda|_1(A)}$.
Now, on one hand, since $A$ is nonnegative, for any given $B$, $\rho(A)$ is always minimised when the entries on the last row and the last column of $A$ are minimised, i.e. when the last row and the last column are filled with $p$s. On the other hand, when the last row and the last column are filled with $p$s, $\rho(B)$ is maximised when all entries of $B$ are equal to $1$.
Therefore, $\rho(B)/\rho(A)$ is maximised when
A=\pmatrix{1&\cdots&1&p\\ \vdots&&\vdots&\vdots\\ 1&\cdots&1&\vdots\\ p&\cdots&\cdots&p}
where $v=(1,\ldots,1,0)^T$. For this $A$, we have $\rho(B)=n-1$ and
\rho(A)=\frac{np+(n-1)q + \sqrt{\left[np-(n-1)q\right]^2 + 4(n-1)^2pq}}{2},
where $q=1-p$. It follows that
\le\frac{2(n-1)}{np+(n-1)q + \sqrt{\left[np-(n-1)q\right]^2 + 4(n-1)^2pq}}.\tag{1}
Since the RHS of $(1)$ is the maximum possible value of $\rho(B)/\rho(A)$, it is always $\le1$. This bound is quite loose, however, because $|\lambda|_2(A)$ can be significantly smaller than $\rho(B)$. In particular, when $p=1$, we have $A=ee^T$ and hence $|\lambda|_2(A)/|\lambda|_1(A)=0$, but the upper bound we obtained in the above is $(n-1)/n$.
To compensate for the poor performance when $p$ is close to $1$, we give another upper bound. Let $A=pee^T+D$, so that $D$ is an entrywise nonnegative symmetric matrix whose maximum element is $1-p$. By Weyl's inequalities,
Since the second largest-sized eigenvalue of $A$ must lie between $\lambda_\min(A)$ and $\lambda_2^\downarrow(pee^T)$, the above two inequalities show that its absolute value must be bounded above by $\rho(D)$. Therefore
So, from $(1)$ and $(2)$ we obtain
\frac{2(n-1)}{np+(n-1)q + \sqrt{\left[np-(n-1)q\right]^2 + 4(n-1)^2pq}},
The bound in $(3)$ is now sharp in the limiting case $p=0$ (with the bound being $1$, which is attained by $A=I$) and in also the case $p=1$ (with the bound being $0$, which is attained by the only member $A=ee^T$ of $M_n(1)$).