Searching through various sources, I have seen contradictory information on the worst case time complexity for the Dijkstra algorithm using binary heap (the graph being represented as adjacency list).
According to wikipedia
With a self-balancing binary search tree or binary heap, the algorithm requires Θ((E+V) logV) time in the worst case
where E
- number of edges, V
- number of vertices.
I see no reason why it can't be done in O(V + E logV)
In case E >= V, the complexity reduces to O(E logV)
anyway. Otherwise, we have O(E)
vertices connected to the start vertex (the algorithm will perform one iteration for each of them). On each iteration we select a vertex and remove it from the heap in O(logV)
time. We also need O(logV)
time for each update of the minimal distance to a connected vertex. The number of these updates is bound by the number of edges E so in total we need O(E logV)
for the updates.
In total we need O(V)
to initalize distances to each vertex, O(E logV)
for removing vertices from the heap and O(E logV)
for updating the heap when shortest distance changes. We get final complexity O(V + E logV)
Am I wrong or is wikipedia wrong?