I am learning the Euler characteristic in terms of cellular homology and number of cells. Namely, for a space $X$, we have $$\sum_{j}(-1)^{j}c_{j}(X)=\chi(X)=\sum_{j}(-1)^{j}rank(H_{j}(X)),$$ where $c_{j}(X)$ is the number of $j$-cells in $X$.
The only note here, https://pages.uoregon.edu/ddugger/hw634-1.pdf, the Q5 of it, seems to claim that there is a way to connect $\chi(\Sigma^{\ell}X)$ with $\chi(X)$, where $\Sigma^{\ell}X$ is the $\ell^{th}$ suspension of $X$.
I tried to prove it but failed: since we have $$\chi(\Sigma^{\ell}Y)=\sum_{j}(-1)^{j}rank(H_{j}(\Sigma^{\ell}Y))$$ the only thing we need to do is to compute $H_{j}(\Sigma^{\ell}Y)$.
To do so, the only thing we can think about is the reduced homology: $$\overline{H}_{j}(\Sigma^{\ell}Y)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} H_{j}(\Sigma^{\ell}Y),\ \ \ \text{for}\ j>0;\\ \mathbb{Z}^{\{\#\ \text{of path components} - 1\}},\ \ \ \text{for}\ j=0. \end{array} \right.$$
But by the well-known Suspension Isomorphism, we have $$\overline{H}_{j}(\Sigma^{\ell}Y)=\overline{H}_{j-\ell}(Y).$$
But then what should I do next? Or is there another easier way to compute?
Thank you!