Is there a general identity for multiplying or dividing logs with different bases and values?
$$\log_a(b)*\log_c(d)=\log_?(?)$$ $$\log_a(b)/\log_c(d)=\log_?(?)$$
I'm hoping for something that looks like the change of base identity below (except where bases don't match):
I realize you can use the change of base identity to get to an answer, but is there a way to do that without trying to change the bases to match?
EDIT For reference: I've found the following to work, but it seems like a bit of a hack and doesn't really help computation:
$$\log_a(b)*\log_c(d)=\log_\sqrt[\log_c(d)]{\,a}(b)$$ $$\log_a(b)/\log_c(d)=\log_a^{\log_c(d)}(b)$$
Is there a better way to do this?