I was trying to solve a problem taken from an Physics Olympiad when I came across a curious and complex mathematical expression. I can not prove with what I know so far about mathematics, does could anyone tell me if the answer is correct?
My answer: $d\tan(\arcsin ((\sin(180-t)*H)/ \sqrt(H² + 4d^2 - 4dH\cos(180-t))))$
The correct answer:$(dH\sin(t))/(2d+H\cos(t))$
The mathematical problem: $d\tan(\arcsin ((\sin(180-t)*H)/ \sqrt(H² + 4d^2 - 4dH\cos(180-t)))) = (dH\sin(t))/(2d+H\cos(t))$
Is it true?
The original problem: http://pir2.forumeiros.com/t23212-angulo-em-relacao-ao-solo
My solution:
 = 180° - ϴ
(A’B)² = (AB)² + (AA’)² - 2. (AB). (AA’).cos(180° - ϴ)
A’B = v(H² + 4d² - 4.H.d.cos(180° - ϴ))
sen(Â’)/AB = sen(Â)/A’B
sen(Â’) = sen(180° - ϴ).H/ v(H² + 4d² - 4.H.d.cos(180° - ϴ))
Â’ = arc sen (sen(180° - ϴ).H/ v(H² + 4d² - 4.H.d.cos(180° - ϴ)))
tg(Â’) = CE/A’C
tg(Â’) = L/d
L = d.tg(Â’)
L = d.tg(arc sen (sen(180° - ϴ).H/ v(H² + 4d² - 4.H.d.cos(180° - ϴ))))