Comment: I'm wondering (a) if the following shows what you're doing, and (b) What is the purpose of this? A classroom demonstration on the CLT?
Or something else?
In R, we simulate a million realizations of $A = \bar X,$
the sample average of $n = 900$ values from $\mathsf{Norm}(\mu = 15, \sigma = 3).$
a = replicate( 10^6, mean(rnorm(900, 15, 3)) )
[1] 14.99992 # aprx E(samp avg) = 15
[1] 0.009992273 # aprx V(samp avg) = 9/900 = 0.01
Histogram of the one million sample averages $A = \bar X.$
The red curve is the density of $\mathsf{Norm}(\mu = 15, \sigma = 1/10).$
hist(a, prob=T, br=40, col="skyblue2")
curve(dnorm(x, 15, 1/10), add=T, col="red")
Again, but with data sampled from a (right-skewed) exponential distribution. [R uses rate parameter $\lambda = 1/\mu]:$
a = replicate( 10^6, mean(rexp(900, .1)) )
[1] 10.00039 # aprx E(samp mean) = 10
[1] 0.1112148 # aprx Var(samp mean) = 100/900 = 0.1111
This time the distribution of $A = \bar X$ is very nearly normal,
but not exactly
(still a tiny bit of skewness, hardly visible in plot).
The red curve is the density of $\mathsf{Norm}(\mu = 10, \sigma = 1/3);$ the (almost coincident) black dotted curve is the density
curve of the exact distribution $\mathsf{Gamma}(\mathrm{shape}=900, \mathrm{rate} = 90)$ of $A = \bar X.$
hist(a, prob=T, br=40, col="skyblue2")
curve(dnorm(x, 10, 1/3), add=T, col="red")