We can prove this statement:
If $f$ is a closed curve (~a continuous, non constant and $0\neq T$-periodic curve) with smallest positive period $T_0$, then every positive period is a multiple of $T_0$.
We suppose the existence of $T_0$ (some Real Analysis can help). Let $T>T_0$ (if $T=T_0$, there is nothing to prove); the integer linear combination $T-T_0$ is a period of $f$. If $T-T_0=T_0$, we have finished, because $T=2T_0$. Otherwise $T-T_0<T_0$ or $T-T_0>T_0$. The first is impossible, for $T_0$ is the smallest positive period. Thus $T-T_0>T_0$ or $T_0<\frac{T}{2}$. Continue similarly and get $\forall n\in\Bbb N: 0\leq T_0<\frac{T}{n}\rightarrow0$, so $T_0=0$, which is a contradiction. Consequently, there exists a $n\in\Bbb N$ such that $T=nT_0$.