Question is asked in title, and it's motivated by the realization that in every textbook and math class where trigonometric functions sin and cos are taught, they're just thrown at students without any motivation. Students are supposed to just take it on faith that sin and cos are important functions worthy of attention, but they're never told why.
An even greater atrocity is committed in more advanced courses where Euler's identity exp(iy)=cos(y)+isin(y) is quoted as a theorem needing proof. This in my view is completely wrong. The proper approach to the exponential map begins with the desire to find solutions to the differential equation f'=f. Dividing both sides by f and integrating yields the logarithm function, which (being increasing) has an inverse, the exponential map over the reals. This exponential map is the solution to f'=f by the inverse function theorem.
Wanting to extend the exponential map to the complex numbers, and wishing to keep the property exp(x+iy)=exp(x)exp(iy) we see that all we have to do is define exp(iy) for y real. Sin and Cos are just fancy words for the real and imaginary parts (respectively) of exp(iy). They do not have an independent existence (if they do, no author I've seen has ever explained where they came from). Put another way, Euler's identity is not a theorem. It is a definition of the left side by the right side. There is nothing to prove.
My question has to do with whether we can prove the basic properties of Re(exp(iy)) and Im(exp(iy)) using just the above-mentioned development and no power series representation. Taking the derivative of the squared modulus of exp(iy) I can show that it is a constant of 1 but I can't see a way to prove that the map y-->exp(iy) sends the real axis to anything other than the point (1,0) without power series (and hence we can't prove that there exists a smallest positive number, namely PI, such that exp(iPI)=-1). Any thoughts?