If $M,N,P$ are positive integers such that $$\begin{cases}M+N+P&=2024\\MNP&=2020^2\end{cases},$$
Show that $(M,N,P)=(4,1010,1010)$ is the only solution up to permutation.
I've got this problem from another problem, and I prove this by using brute-force. I assume $M\leq N\leq P$ to deduce that $M\leq \sqrt[3]{2020^2}<160$, so the divisors of $2020^2$ bounded by $160$ are $$M=1,2,4,5,8,10,16,20,25,40,50,80,100,101.$$ Then, I put each $M$ to obtain $$\begin{cases}N+P=2024-M\\NP=2020^2/M\end{cases}$$ which $N,P$ are the two roots of a quadratic equation, and $N,P$ will be positive integers only if the discriminant of the quadratic equation is a perfect square. At this step I've used programming to verify that, besides $M=4$, other discriminants are not perfect squares.
I'm wondering is there any mathematical way to prove this. More generally, it will be natural to conjecture that if $K\geq 1$ is a positive integer, then the only positive integer solutions $M,N,P$ to $$\begin{cases}M+N+P&=2K+4\\MNP&=4K^2\end{cases}$$ are $(M,N,P)=(4,K,K)$ up to permutation. A proof for this conjecture will also be appreciated.